We must stand against government overreach into our lives and protect the Second Amendment and the unborn.
Protecting the Constitution
Create an environment for job growth and prosperity by keeping taxes low and cutting burdensome regulations.
As a nurse and business leader in healthcare, Beth understands how we reform healthcare so it is patient centered, increases access, lowers costs, & protects our most vulnerable.
I support efforts to rebuild our military and secure our southern border.
A Strong and Secure America
Ensuring our veterans get the support they need from the country they have defended. As a "Veterans Day Baby" and a member of a family with a strong military tradition, standing with our veterans is personal to me.
Caring for
Why is Beth Running?
Beth is not a career politician, she is a nurse, business owner, entrepreneur, and a mother of two. Beth is running to represent the people of the 5th district and keep the American dream alive for future generations. Nurses are the most trusted professionals in the country, lets elect another nurse to Congress and bring trust back to politics.
Beth Q&A
What would Beth do about wasteful spending?
Spending is out of control in Washington. As a conservative, Beth believes in fiscal responsibility. As a business owner, she knows how to make a budget and live within her means. Beth stands for serious reform of spending and limited government.
What does Beth plan to do about workforce development?
The US economy is booming and the majority of Americans are far better off today than they were four years ago. Indiana is facing a labor challenge in several of our key industries. As our Congresswoman, Beth will work together with community leaders to develop and support education and training programs that will address the economic needs of the 5th district while also providing thousands of good paying jobs to Hoosiers.
What has Beth enjoyed most about the campaign?
Campaigning is tough work, especially when you are sill running the family business. Despite this challenge, Beth is energized everyday because of the amazing people she has met on the campaign trail. From veterans, builders, farmers, small business owners and families, Beth has made lifelong connections with people across Indiana's 5th district.
What is so special about the number eleven to Beth?
Beth is a Veteran's day baby. Beth was born on the 11th day, of the 11th month of the 11th year past mid -century. Growing up, Beth spent her birthday every year celebrating and applauding our veterans and active military, including her father and several family members.
What is so special about the number thirty to Beth?
Beth has lived in the 5th district for over 30 years! Beth knows what an amazing place the 5th district is to raise a family, start a business and live the American Dream.